Superman” is set for a comeback DC Studios debuted the first trailer for its feature film “Superman” on Thursday. Directed...
In an important visit, His Eminence Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim met with His Beatitude Cardinal Louis Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean...
Billionaire Elon Musk is calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “an insufferable tool” in a new social media post on Wednesday...
PARIS, FRANCE France's iconic Notre Dame Cathedral is formally reopening its doors on Saturday for the first time since a...
Health Canada is advocating for safety this holiday season, providing some tips so you can stay vigilant. The department has...
OTTAWA Canada's unemployment rate rose more than expected to 6.8 per cent in November, a near-eight-year high excluding the pandemic...
Most local businesses have found alternative ways to ship their products to customers during the Canada Post strike Wednesday marked...
The LCBO has released its 2024 sales highlights and one type of product saw “standout” growth last year, despite containing...
Canada will finish out the year at a career-high in the FIFA rankings after climbing four places to No. 31...
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