The Liberals fiscal plan offers no new major housing commitments
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland tabled a federal budget Tuesday projecting a deficit about $10 billion higher than initially forecast — an increase driven by a worsening economy and new spending on initiatives like a national dental care program
Freeland’s fiscal plan projects the deficit will be $40.1 billion in 2023-24 — up from the $30.6 billion she said it would be just last fall
Freeland’s relatively brief 250-page budget is being pitched as a focused plan to address inflation — there will another one-time GST rebate for low-income Canadians — and to position the economy for the future through multi-billion-dollar tax credits to stimulate the clean energy sector
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland delivers budget speech
Freeland tables the 2023-24 federal budget and addresses MPs in the House of Commons
A faltering economy means Ottawa will collect $5.7 billion less in revenue this fiscal year than it initially projected — a development that blows a big hole in the federal treasury
In an effort to keep a lid on mounting deficits, Freeland is proposing a series of tax increases on the rich and large corporations and cuts to government spending
All told, Freeland is planning to slash some $15.4 billion in spending over the next five years through targeted reductions
including an effort to curb the use of professional services
and management consultants and a reduction in travel expenses
She’s promising to levy a two per cent tax on stock buybacks, to hike the alternative minimum tax
to make the wealthier pay more and to tax dividends received by financial institutions — three initiatives that are projected to raise $11.6 billion over the next five years
The budget is also increasing the air travellers security charge by 32.85 per cent to address the sorry state of Canada’s airports. That works out to a $34.82 levy on international flights
Air passengers will also be on the hook for some of the costs associated with improving security and baggage screening
In a speech to MPs after tabling her budget, Freeland said the document maintains Canada’s proud tradition of fiscal responsibility
With economic growth expected to flatline this year (Ottawa is projecting a 0.3 per cent increase in GDP), Freeland said Ottawa needs to follow an economically prudent path while spending more in some areas
By exercising fiscal restraint, we are ensuring that we can continue to invest in Canadians and in the Canadian economy for years to come
she said
Kevin Page, the former parliamentary budget officer, told CBC News the government clearly has grown more pessimistic
about Canada’s economic outlook since the fall economic statement
We’re looking at flat real growth in 2023. The unemployment rate is going to tick up. You really can’t make the case that they’ve loosened the purse strings all that much in this budget
he said, adding the planned spending increases are relatively modest
Missing from Freeland’s document is any major new initiative to help ease the housing supply crunch — a problem that has only gotten worse as the country absorbs hundreds of thousands of new arrivals who are all looking for a place to live
Canada added more than a million people last year. Housing starts haven’t kept pace
In terms of a housing affordability, we’re in real trouble
said Armine Yalnizyan, an economist
I think it’s remarkable that this government is importing over a million people, temporarily and permanently, and every one of those people needs a place to live and we’re not accelerating our building of affordable rental housing
The government’s long-promised home savings account will roll out this year, offering tax savings for first-time buyers
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada is also drafting some sort of code of conduct
to protect Canadians with mortgages who are facing exceptional circumstances
The budget offered no details
Roughly 70 per cent of the $43 billion in net new spending announced in this year’s budget is earmarked for health and dental care over the next six years
The budget sets aside full funding for its dental care plan, fulfilling the government’s commitment to the NDP
The program will continue to roll out this year, extending dental services to lower income Canadians who don’t already have access to a dentist
The program’s price tag is steep: $13 billion over five years
When the program is fully operational in 2025, nine million uninsured Canadians with an annual family income of less than $90,000 will qualify for coverage. There will be no co-pays for those with a family income under $70,000
The program will be run by Health Canada with a third-party benefits administrator
charged with actually managing program benefits — a structure that essentially leaves the provinces and territories out of the mix
No Canadian ever again will need to choose between taking care of their teeth and paying their bills at the end of the month
Freeland saidThere are significant and necessary investments
While the Liberal Party promised a dedicated mental health transfer in the 2021 federal election campaign, Freeland’s budget offers little to help Canadians grappling with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other ailments
The largest budget line-item on this file is $158.4 million over three years to launch the 988 suicide prevention phone hotline
To fight the opioid crisis, the budget is providing $359.2 million over five years to support a renewed Canadian Drugs and Substance Strategy
That includes new money to help prevent substance abuse and streamline the establishment of new supervised consumption sites
The government signed a landmark deal with the premiers earlier this year — a major fiscal commitment that will substantially boost the Canada Health Transfer in the coming years
But the budget doesn’t really address how provinces and territories will maintain current health-care staffing levels and recruit new workers for a system on the ropes after years of pandemic-related disruptions
It’s a very striking gap in the document — we’re talking about agricultural workers, truck drivers, critical mineral miners but there’s nothing in here about the people who provide us with critical services: doctors and nurses
said Yalnizyan
That’s a problem because our system is crumbling as we speak. They gave the provinces so much money but the feds didn’t ring-fence a single penny to ensure it doesn’t get wasted on agency nursing and for-profit care
A senior government official, speaking on background to reporters during a budget briefing, said Ottawa needs a robust response to U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent Inflation Reduction Act — a bill that, despite its name, is really a climate change plan that promises hundreds of billions of dollars in funding to stimulate clean energy development and a greener manufacturing sector

If the federal government doesn’t step up with a plan of its own, Canada will be left behind, the official said
To that end, the federal government is introducing an investment tax credit for clean energy and clean tech to build a prosperous low-carbon future
The budget offers a 15 per cent refundable tax credit for eligible investments in non-emitting electricity generation systems
like wind, concentrated solar, hydro, wave, tidal and nuclear projects. That credit will cost an expected $4.5 billion over five years
To simulate clean technology manufacturing, the budget proposes a refundable tax credit equal to 30 per cent of the cost of investments in new machinery and equipment
That will be useful for companies looking to extract, process or recycle critical minerals like lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite, copper and rare earth elements — products that are in hot demand around the world as electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing ramps up dramatically
John Paul Tasker· CBC News