The Chinese have always celebrated their mountains.Holy, where thousands of pilgrims visit annually to pay respect to the religious monuments associated with their faiths
China, according to the British newspaper, Daily Mail.These winding tunnels house the Chinese military’s secretive strategic missile unit, responsible for maintaining and launching Dong Feng intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) when needed.The Dong Feng-41 missiles are the most advanced of their kind, with a range of 9,000 miles, surpassing the American Minuteman III’s 8,700 miles.Many of these missiles are stored up to 330 feet deep beneath Chinese mountains, making them part of what is known as the Great Wall
China The GreatUnderground, which is what it promotes
BeijingAs its last resort in the event of a nuclear war,thanks to its strategic location deep within these tunnels, called Dragon Palaces, it can
ChinaLaunching retaliatory attacks within just 10 minutes of a nuclear strike.Rare footage broadcast by Chinese media showed soldiers marching with perfect discipline beside powerful weapons, while workers wearing protective helmets dug and expanded massive tunnels. A sign at the construction site read: “Join with energy to create a site capable of fighting and achieving victory in battle.”Secret tactics and military disinformationThe Dragon Palaces are shrouded in secrecy due to the Chinese government’s strict policy. In 2019, Chinese academic Qian Zhihu noted that the wall
ChinaThe underground steel tunnels are the country’s last line of national defense.According to Chinese media reports, the massive size of these tunnels is part of a strategy
ChinaSome passages contain fake missile launchers to deceive potential enemies.This tactic allows the Chinese military to redeploy real missiles to safer locations in the event of devastating attacks on the tunnels.Current estimates indicate that
ChinaIt possesses 500 nuclear warheads, but refuses to officially disclose the exact number of its nuclear arsenal, considering it a state secret.The soldiers responsible for operating and maintaining these missiles undergo rigorous training, following a strict daily schedule that strictly specifies their sleeping, eating, and military training times.Military instructor Yue Lei emphasizes, “You can only sleep or wake up on command. Your daily schedule is linked to training needs and combat requirements.”Li Min, a unit commander, points out that these exercises aim to ensure round-the-clock combat readiness: “Through this training, we can ensure that we are always in a combat-ready state, day and night, to ensure our forces can effectively destroy targets.”With the expansion of China’s military capabilities, a senior US official has warned of Chinese space dogfighting exercises, a term used to describe combat maneuvers between satellites.General Michael Gotlin, deputy commander of space operations for the US Space Force, said that
ChinaHe began conducting advanced training exercises to maneuver satellites around each other, adding: “We observed five different objects in space moving precisely and synchronously, as if practicing real combat tactics between satellites.”The general pointed to new technologies developed by
China, such as camouflaged satellites that split into two separate units, others capable of “stalking” American satellites, as well as models with mechanical arms that can be used for offensive purposes